A Year In Review

A Year In Review

It's that time of year again where we dust off the Christmas tree and look forward to a few days away from the daily routine of work, eat, sleep, repeat. Inevitably we also pull out the vision board (that no one used during 2024), look at it and decide that now would be the perfect time to set new goals for 2025.

When I look at the year in review for Dark Side LeatherCraft I see a few new events attended, new products put out and new clients that have joined the Dark Side family. I also recall many a late nights and weekends driving the neighbours insane with the methodic thumping of my mallet in the pursuit of finishing off that last piece before turning in for the night. At the end of it all, it was a really good year. Lessons learnt and "school fees" paid. 

So what lies ahead for 2025? Well, I am no octopus that can predict the outcome of a football match but I do know this...I won't give up what I want for what I want right now.

I'll say it again...I won't give up what I want for what I want right now.

I don't have all of the answers but I know that if I keep putting one foot in front of the other then I'm headed in the right direction.

From my side, for 2025, you can expect to see a collection of brand new products and a few collaborations with local artists and performers for some truly unique pieces!

Thanks to everyone that supported me through the year, I can't wait for us to tackle 2025!

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